Chevy Blog



设置TMM刮削器host 参考 TMM工作需要保持几个link的联通: 我们可以测试DNA checker查看可联通的DNS加入到本地host https://dnschecker...



Boltz-1安装使用指南 安装 首先先看官方GitHub: 最好新建环境安装:conda create --name boltz1 python=3.9 默认安装流程是pip install boltz -U,但是国内安装速度巨慢,所以这边加一个镜像参数pip i...

使用 fontmod 为 win32 应用程序自定义字体(转载)

本文由 简悦 SimpRead 转码, 原文地址 六年后的今天,水深火热的 Windows 用户依旧要为 Windows 上一些使用着古老技术的客户端糟糕的字体渲染买单。 Matrix 精选 Matrix 是少数派的写作社区,我们主张分享真实的产品体验,有实用价值的经验与思考。我们会不定期挑选 Matrix 最优质的文章,展示来自用户的最真实的体验和...

Mass Spec Compound Analysis


Load Data # Load the merged mass spectrometry data and compound scaffold group data ms_data_merged <- readRDS("ms_data_merged.Rds") cpds_scaffold_group <- readRDS("cpds_lscaffold_group.Rds")...

A dotplot with outlier

You can sense the passage of time through the record.

Data Preparation Load the dataset and adjust outliers in IC50 values. Replace any value of 1000 in the IC50 column with a calculated outlier value. data <- readxl::read_excel("ic50.xlsx", shee...

Scripts for MD5 check

笑抚江南竹根枕,一樽呼起鼻中雷。[对酒 宋 陈与义]

本次想要记录使用shell或者python对指定目录下的文件进行md5完整性检验 md5文件一般都会保存在对应文件的相同目录下,需要针对多个子目录挨个进行md5sum -c的话未免有点麻烦。 需要cd到子文件夹下进行md5sum -c 所以函数式样的编程就很方便。 主体思考 对每个文件生成md5,并和已经存在的md5进行比较,如果相同就可以print Pass shell...

Different Length List to Dataframe in R


1. Set a demo list # Your input list gene_list <- list( GeneListA = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"), GeneListB = c("A", "F", "H"), GeneListC = c("A", "C", "D", "H"), GeneListD = NA ) p...



PROBLEM: want to preseve the terminal output from bowtie2, but also copy the stderr from bowtie into a separate file SOLUTION: use tee along with some bash stream redirection to copy the stderr st...

Create your R package

(Connect Rstudio to Github and push project to Github)

1. Use Rstudio to create a new project for package Reference:R Package Development > Start from a brand new environment. 2. Connecting Rstudio to Github Reference:how-to-use-git-github-with-r...

group pvalue calculation and visualization using rstatix and ggpubr

Add color to life.

1. Get example data library(tidyverse) library(rstatix) example <- tibble::tibble( para = rnorm(n = 30, mean = 300, sd = 20) %>% round(digits = 2), dose = rep(rep(c("dose_1", "dose_2...